
Cat. №: Э18100-115
Package: 1.5 ml
Наличие: Есть на складе
1 354,10 ₽
0,00 ₽
Ставка НДС: 10%
The medium is developed to contain oocytes in it during sperm injection during the ICSI procedure.
    Delivery methods
  • Delivery by a transport company
  • Other transport services
  • Pickup
  • +

IVF 1 "ICSI" medium is developed to contain oocytes in it during sperm injection during the ICSI procedure.

IVF 1 medium"ICSI" is used in assisted reproductive technologies, is intended for use in medical and preventive and research institutions.

This product has Registration Certificate.


IVF 1 "ICSI" medium basis is purified water, Earl salts, glucose. The medium is prepared on the bicarbonate buffer basis and is without albumin.

IVF 1 "ICSI" medium can be prepared with antibiotics and phenol red, or without these components (at customer’s request). IVF1 "ICSI" medium is sterilized by filtering through filters with pore size of 0.22 microns.


  1. Before use, a slightly opened bottle with IVF 1 "ICSI" medium is kept in atmosphere of 5-6% CO2 at temperature of 37 ° C for 2 hours
  2. A drop (10-15 ml) of heated IVF 1 "PVP" medium to 37 ° C is placed in the center of the Petri dish.
  3. Depending on the number of oocytes to be used in the ICSI procedure, the required number of drops of IVF 1 "ICSI" medium is added in the same Petri dish.
  4. All drops should be covered with a layer of liquid paraffin oil, previously balanced in atmosphere of 5-6% CO2 at temperature of 37 ° C for 2 hours.
  5. After adding drops of medium to the cup and coating them with oil, it is recommended to keep the cup in a CO2 incubator for a short period of time so that the pH level and temperature return to the required level.
  6. 2 ml of prepared and washed spermatozoids are added to a drop with IVF medium 1 "PVP".
  7. Immediately before use, the oocytes are moved into drops with IVF 1 "ICSI" medium, one oocyte in each drop. The sperm injection procedure is performed inside these drops.
  8. One sperm is fixed with use of an injection micropipette. Sperm injection is recommended to be carried out in as small as possible volume IVF 1 "PVP" medium.
  9. Then the oocyte is fixed with use of a holding pipette. It is important to fix the oocyte in such a way that the polar body is in position for 6 or 12 hours.
  10. An injectable micropipette is injected into the oocyte at a position of 3 h. To confirm the puncture of the shiny shell, it is recommended to aspirate the cytoplasm part.
  11. If the pipette has penetrated into the cytoplasm, then the sperm with part of the aspirated cytoplasm is injected into the oocyte.
  12. After the sperm addition pressure is applied in the holding pipette and the oocyte is disconnected.
  13. After injection, oocytes are washed and incubated in balanced IVF 1 "Universal" medium for 16-18 hours.
  14. After this time, formation of pronuclei in oocytes is checked.
  15. For further cultivation, zygotes with two pronuclei are used.
  16. Further cultivation is carried out in a new portion of the balanced medium IVF 1 "Universal" or IVF PRO "Droblenie".

Cultivation can be carried out up to the stage of 4-8 blastomeres, then the embryos can be transferred to the medium for subsequent cultivation up to the blastocyst stage (IVF PRO "Blastnaya"), or transferred to the uterine cavity for implantation in the IVF PRO "Shvartovaya" medium.


Shelf life is 3 months from the date of manufacture, subject to the storage regime.

Store and transport in accordance with SR at temperature of +2 to +8 ° C in a place protected from light.

Do not freeze!

Unused residue of the heated medium is not subject to reheating and use.

The product must be used within 7 days from the bottle first opening.

It is recommended to store the medium with a minimum volume of air in the bottle.

Open the vial in sterile conditions.

  • Package: 1.5 ml
  • Purpose: ICSI
  • Documents: Registration Certificate
  • Volume: 1 x


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